- Computational Biology is a huge field of study, that touches upon many distinct algorithmic and biological areas of study. What we are able to cover in this course will depend, in part, on the pace at which we move, which I will attempt to...
2013 NextGen Genomics & Bioinformatics Technologies (NGBT) Conference
SciGenom Research Foundation (SGRF) and Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) are pleased to host the Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics for...
Interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, we employ existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major...
One postdoctoral position is available in the area of Bioinformatics. This position is available through a highly collaborative project involving multiple labs.
The primary focus here would be to analyse and integrate high throughput data from...
Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on the date as mentioned below for selection of Suitable candidates in the following areas under the DBT sponsored projecT on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project(s) or till completion of...
Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on the date as mentioned below for selection of Suitable candidates in the following areas under the DBT sponsored project on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project(s) or till completion of...
Global overview papers
Next generation quantitative genetics in plants. Jiménez-Gómez, Frontiers in Plant Science 2:77, 2011 Full Text [equally relevant to animal and microbial systems]
Sense from sequence reads: methods for... - The BETSY provides a command-line interface and available at A user first searches in the knowledge base for desired output and then BETSY develops an initial workflow to produce that data which is later...
The Institute of Neurobiology UNAM ( offers a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor (Investigador Asociado C) to develop an original research program in Bioinformatics with applications to neuroscience and to...
Awk is a programming language that is specifically designed for quickly manipulating space delimited data. Although you can achieve all its functionality with Perl, awk is simpler in many practical cases.
Why awk? You can replace a pipeline...