We are involved in the development of methods and software in chemoinformatics. Current main projects are:
1.automatic learning of chemical reactivity and metabolism,
2.simulation of NMR spectra,
3.modelling of properties of ionic liquids,...
GATB Library. The Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph. A large part of tools developed by the GenScale team are based on this library.These methods enable the analysis of data sets of any size on multi-core desktop...
Here come on let play with the following basic command line usage of the ssh client.1. Check your SSH Client Version:Checking for your SSH client is very sare, but sometimes it may be necessary to identify the SSH client that you are currently...
FYI, I've found it useful to use MUMmer to extract the specific changes that Racon makes, so I can evaluate them individually:
minimap -t 24 assembly.fasta long_reads.fastq.gz | racon -t 24 long_reads.fastq.gz - assembly.fasta...
This is a presentation about some fundamental concepts applied in molecular biology and genetics, also it contains a little bit of the experience that one of our members has gained in his years of undergraduate state related to molecular cloning....
github.com - The NanoPack tools are written in Python3 and released under the GNU GPL3.0 License. The source code can be found at https://github.com/wdecoster/nanopack, together with links to separate scripts and their documentation. The scripts are compatible...
The focus of the Gerstein Lab is interpreting personal genomes, particularly in relation to disorders, such as cancer. This endeavor has a number of related aspects described below. Moreover, the approaches we take have broad connections to a...
github.com - genome simulation across a population with zeta-distributed allele frequency, snps, insertions, deletions, and multi-nucleotide polymorphisms
More at https://github.com/ekg/mutatrix
./mutatrix -S sample -P test/ -p 2 -n 10 reference.fasta
University of Calcutta
Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics
Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. programme in the Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta...
github.com - INC-Seq reads enabled accurate species-level classification, identification of species at 0.1 % abundance and robust quantification of relative abundances, providing a cheap and effective approach for pathogen detection and microbiome profiling...