Currently, I'm pursuing a PhD at Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune, Pune, India. I have developed an algorithm for alignment-free sequence analysis with its applications in molecular phylogeny, clustering and sero/genotyping .
In the Svardal lab they are interested how the astonishing natural diversity we see on earth came into being, by which forces it formed and how it is changing today. Hence, they are trying to understand the process of evolution, with mathematical...
We investigate genome evolution across the plant kingdom at different levels of complexity:
•DNA sequences (NGS-based genome analysis)
•Chromosomes (chromosome rearrangements, karyotype evolution)
•Genomes (genome collinearity,...
Using these high quality genomes we explore
the evolutionary history of genes and species, building phylogenetic trees of life
the contrasting roles of horizontal gene transfer and introgression in shaping evolution
the biology of symbioses,...
My main topics of interest are:
The impact of non tree-like evolution such as horizontal gene transfers and hybridization on species biology
Evolution and adaptation of animals in the absence of sexual reproduction and the underlying...
We are a bioinformatics research lab focused on developing novel methods and using them to study genome evolution, organization, and regulation. Our mission is to decode biomedical knowledge that is missed without rigorous statistical...