Results for "CSS"


  • Vishwas Uttam

    Skills: Database, Perl, PHP, MySQL, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Shell Scripting

    3630 days ago

  • mahree khan

    Skills: Ms Office, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Data Structure, Java, Linux, Biochemistry, FASTA, BLAST

    2685 days ago

  • EagleEye

    PhD student at University of Gothenburg. Most of my work involves designing or benchmarking pipelines for transcriptome and genomic sequencing data related to epigenetics and cancer.

    Skills: R bioconductor, Perl, CGI/Perl, shell scripting, Java, servlet, C, HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL, image processing, Matlab, Python, javascript, mathematica

    1340 days ago

  • pradyumna Jayaram

    I am working as a research fellow at Manipal University. Most of my work involves designing pipelines for genomic sequencing data.

    Skills: shell scripting, HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL, Java, C, C++, R bioconductor, Perl, bash-CGI, image processing, Matlab, Python, javascript

    68 days ago


    Skills: HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, Bioinformatics, SciLab, Shrodinger, PyMol, RasMol, PhyLip, MySQL, DBMS, Website Design and Development, Article Writing (Malayalam and English)

    2512 days ago