Results for "Postdoc"


  • Bioinformatics PhD / PostDoc / Job Rejection

    While your PhD or PostDoc application, it is more common that you got rejected by many professors. Don't disappoint reply it calmly. In grad school, I shared a house with three Bioinformatics PhD students. One, when he applied to a particular professor, received a letter that said, essential...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Job, Post, PhD, PostDoc, Rejection, Reply, Hunt

    3257 days ago

  • Five key traits to seek out in potential bioinformatics candidates !!!

    Genomics and proteomics data are being collected in bulk, but mostly, traditional biologist don’t know what to do with it. Perhaps this is the reason why (not only this!!! ) computational biologist/bioinformatics scientists are hot commodities in the research world. In fact, there are huge...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Career, PostDoc, Study, Hire, Trait, Candidate, Data

    3218 days ago

  • Ten International Scholarships for Indian Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Students

    Wherever you go around the world, Indian students are in demand. With countries such as Canada and Australia providing huge incentives to Indian students to lure them to their shores, there are many institutions around the world that offer scholarships exclusively to Indian students. Historically...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Scholarship, Fellowship, PhD, UG, PostGrad, PostDoc

    2580 days ago

  • Various scholarships around the world !!

    This page provides information on scholarships for developing countries  students who are in need of scholarship to study at home and abroad. A scholarship programme is often created to reward students who have worked hard in their career path. Every year prominent Universities and...

    Tags: Scholarships, Opportunities, Phd, Postdoc, Research, Education

    2844 days ago