Results for "r"


  • Integrated mRNA and microRNA transcriptome analysis in Strand NGS

    Using a nasopharyngeal carcinoma case study, this paper highlights the integrated transcriptome analysis capabilities of Strand NGS demonstrating the; mRNA interactions in regulatory networks.Read the application note ...

    3239 days ago

  • Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Seq data

    Know about the state-of-the-art algorithms implemented in Strand NGS for detecting the binding sites of transcription factor (narrow peaks) and enriched regions of histone modif...y on Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Seq data in Strand NGS...

    3239 days ago

  • Five key traits to seek out in potential bioinformatics candidates !!!

    Genomics and proteomics data are being collected in bulk, but mostly, traditional biologist don’t know what to do with it. Perhaps this is the reason why (n...led - programming skills, experience with the biological soft...orm data into a scientific stories may place one candidate ab...

    3233 days ago

  • BGAgenomicsDB: Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017 - A cyanobacterial organim

    ...veloped a database system cyanobacterial organims called bgagenomicsDB. C...obacteria or some time called blue gree algee(BGA) is found in almo...y etc.   One of the cyanobacterial organism is Acaryochl...s organism visit :    

    3118 days ago

  • BioLinux Ubuntu Desktop folder and files disappeared !!

    Restarted my BioLinux ubuntu computer after an update, and when I l...Then I thaught it migh be a problem of graphical display and...problem and found this is a very common problem after updates...VIDEOS_DIR="$HOME/Videos"Then restart nautilus:killall nautil...

    3043 days ago

  • Computer simulation of genetic mechanism !!

    Computer simulation is the discipline...tion models are meant to answer questions which scientists ha...ent effective population size reductions from allele data fre...r implementing efficient forward simulations. http://molpopge...n application for the Monte Carlo simulation of molecular seq...

    3017 days ago

  • Tools and Method for Haplotype phasing !

    ...uge amounts of genotype data are being produced with recent technological advances, both from increasingly both computational and laboratory methods promise PL-EM: http://www...

    1381 days ago

  • BINC exam preparation tips !!

    How to prepare for BINC (BioInformatics National Certification) exam? What are the expected questions? The.... The section discusses such broad concepts as motivation, sc...wn word Your teacher or lecturer can explain something to yo...ow much you know. You gain a greater insight into where you s...

    2893 days ago

  • Various scholarships around the world !!

    This page provides information on scholarships for developing countries  students who are in need of scholarship to st...Details: Scholarship covers University fees and college...Scholarship in UK, 2016Scholarship Provider: Louis Drey...

    2859 days ago

  • Webinar on Implications of Next Generation Sequencing in Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer on 28 Sep 2016

    Abstract: Genetic testing requires screening of the entire gene, and cost-effective compared to the conventional tests p...ost-analytical workflows in Strand NGS allow users to execute...ion. Finally, we will show a brief glimpse of Indian cohort d...

    2845 days ago