Results for "Effect"


  • Beagle

    ...rithm. Version 4.1 also has several changes to the command line arguments which are described in the release notes. The "ped" argument has no effect in version 4.1. If your data...

    2798 days ago

  • EXCAVATOR2tool

    ...the spectrum of detectable CNVs to off-target events.EXCAVATOR2 can be effectively employed for the identif...WES experiments can be re-analysed using our method with the beneficial effect to identify novelCNVs in extr...

    2765 days ago

  • LAMSA: fast split read alignment with long approximate matches

    ...lly splits the read into relatively long fragments and co-linearly align them to solve the small variations or sequencing errors, and mitigate the effect of repeats. The alignments of...

    2234 days ago

  • Ensembl Variation - Calculated variant consequences

    ...g Ensembl transcripts. We then use a rule-based approach to predict the effects that each allele of the vari...table below. Note that each allele of each variant may have a different effect in different transcripts....

    2116 days ago

  • vcf2maf convert !

    ...le isoform, a Missense_Mutation close enough to a Splice_Site, can be labeled as either in MAF format, but not as both. This selection of a single effect per variant, is often subject...

    922 days ago