Results for "Enrichment"


  • KOBAS: a web server for gene/protein functional annotation and functional gene set enrichment

    KOBAS 3.0 is a web server for gene/protein functional annotation (Annotate module) and functional gene set enrichment(Enrichment module). For Annotate module, it accepts gene list as input, including IDs or sequences, and generates annotations for each gene based on multiple databases about ...

    Tags: KOBAS, web, server, gene, protein, functional, annotation, functional, gene, set, enrichment, KEGG

    2052 days ago

  • netGO: R-Shiny package for network-integrated pathway enrichment analysis

    netGO is an R/Shiny package for network-integrated pathway enrichment analysis.netGO provides user-interactive visualization of enrichment analysis results and related networks. Currently, netGO supports analysis for four species (Human, Mouse, Arabidopsis thaliana,and Yeast)These...

    Tags: netGO, R-Shiny, package, network, integrated, pathway, enrichment, analysis

    1571 days ago

  • Enrichr: a comprehensive gene set enrichment analysis

    Enrichment analysis is a popular method for analyzing gene sets generated by genome-wide experiments. Here we present a significant update to one of the tools in this domain called Enrichr. Enrichr currently contains a large collection of diverse gene set libraries available for analysis and down...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Enrichment, Enrichr, Web, Server, GO, Pathway, Genes, BED, Ontologies, Drug, Cell, Disease

    2592 days ago

  • ShinyGO v0.61: Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis + more

    2/3/2020: Now published by Bioinformatics. 11/3/2019: V 0.61, Improve graphical visualization (thanks to reviewers). Interactive networks and much more. 5/20/2019: V.0.60, Annotation database updated to Ensembl 96. New bacterial and fungal genomes based on STRING-db! Just paste your gene l...

    Tags: ShinyGO, Gene, Ontology, Enrichment, GO, Analysis

    1459 days ago