Results for "on-line"


  • Ribbon !!

    Visualization has played an extremely important role in the current genomic revolution to inspect and understand variants, expression patterns, evolutionary changes, an...

    2805 days ago

  • Beagle

    Beagle is a software package that performs genotype calling, genotype phasing, imputation of ungenotyped markers, and identity-by-descent segment detection. Beagle ver...

    2799 days ago

  • PLINK2

    This is a comprehensive update to Shaun Purcell's PLINK command-line program, developed by Christopher Chang with support from the NIH-NIDDK's...

    2799 days ago

  • Minia

    Minia is a short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph, capable of assembling a human genome on a desktop computer in a day. The output of Minia is a set of contigs...

    2757 days ago

  • ScaffMatch

    caffMatch is a novel scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce high-quality scaffolds from NGS data (reads and contigs). The tool is written in...

    2752 days ago

  • Finding Patterns in Biological Sequences

    ...otivation, and methods of biological verification of such patterns. Finally we list publicly available tools and databases for pattern discovery. On-line supplement is available throu...

    2743 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process per each element of data. Instead, MCE follows a bank queuing model. Imagine the line being the d...

    2703 days ago

  • bedtools

    Collectively, the bedtools utilities are a swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used tools enable genom...

    2679 days ago

  • SeqMule: Automated human exome/genome variants detection

    SeqMule takes single-end or paird-end FASTQ or BAM files, generates a script consisting of more than 10 popular alignment, analysis tools and runs the script line by li...

    2668 days ago


    SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. It is unique in offering the possibility to manually control...

    2609 days ago