Results for "OS"


  • GenomeScope: open-source web tool to rapidly estimate the overall characteristics of a genome, including genome size, heterozygosity rate, and repeat content from unprocessed short reads

    ...the overall characteristics of a genome, including genome size, heterozygosity rate, and repeat content f...hese features are essential for studying genome evolution, and help to choose parameters for downstream an...

    2397 days ago


    ...erved genotypes and imputing missing genotypes. Most people use just a couple of...the program from here. You will need to choose the link that matches your c...tion on Examples shows how to use the most common IMPUTE2 fun...

    2799 days ago

  • Graph Genome Suite

    ...ment and precision medicine. We build self-improving systems to analyze millions of genomes, including the Graph Genome Suite — the most advanced population genomics...

    2798 days ago

  • eFORGE.v1.2

    ...ent of a set of EWAS DMPs. eFORGE analysis takes a set of DMPs, such as those hits above genome-wide signi...ments are differentially active in different cell types, and hence can expose tissue-specific signals of e...

    2798 days ago

  • ART: Set of Simulation Tools

    ...single-end, paired-end/mate-pair reads of three major commercial next-generation sequencing platforms: Illumina's Solexa, Roche's 454 and Applied Biosystems' SOLiD. ART can be used...

    2792 days ago

  • HybPiper

    ...arate file with the translated protein sequence. HybPiper also includes post-processing scripts, run afte...the reads, it does so in a standardized directory hierarchy. Many of the post-processing scripts rely on t...

    2791 days ago


    LINKS is a genomics application for scaffolding genome assemblies with long reads, such as those produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd. It can be used to scaffold high-qualit...

    2791 days ago

  • R Graphs !!

    The blog is a collection of script examples with example data and output plots. R produce excellent quality graphs for data analysis, science and business presentation, publications and other purposes. Self-help codes and examples are provided. Enjoy nice graphs !!

    2791 days ago

  • Bookmarks Biostatistics materials and books

    Biostatistics did not spring fully formed from the brow o...since it was begun). Over this time, new areas of biostatistics have been developed...ions have changed Please bookmarks your favourate biostatistics books in commen...

    2787 days ago

  • Method in Comparative genomics !!

    ...more than 90% of genes and intergenic regions across the four species despite the...on their patterns of nucleotide conservation across related species. We observed...r of candidate regulatory motifs. These include most previously known regulatory...

    2785 days ago