Results for "human reference genome"


  • Spines

    Spines is a collection of software tools, developed and used by the Vertebrate Genome Biology Group at the Broad In...highly parallelized program for high-sensitivity, genome-wide synteny; Papaya,&nb...

    2754 days ago

  • HGA

    HGA tool version 1.0 This tool helps to apply the Hierarchical Genome Assembly (HGA) method. The tool will apply: 1. Partitioning a...a given kmer size.

    2753 days ago

  • EXCAVATOR2tool

    EXCAVATOR2 is a collection of bash, R and Fortran scripts and codes that analyses Whole...icial effect to identify novelCNVs in extra-exonic regions by having the full-genome CN profile.

    2752 days ago


    SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing. Download Git repository of SWALO is at

    2752 days ago

  • bipype

    Bipype is a very useful program, which prepare a lot of...ere are three input options: amplicons, WGS (whole genome sequences) and metatranscriptomi...SAM format given single-end reads, aligns reads to reference sequence(s). All of these...

    2751 days ago

  • Minia

    Minia is a short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph, capable of assembling a human genome on a desktop computer in a day. The output of Minia is a...est k-mer size, minimum abundance of correct k-mers, and genome size estimation for your data...

    2744 days ago

  • SGA: String Graph Assembler

    SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed represent...

    2744 days ago

  • Standardized velvet assembly report

    Requirements: velvet (velveth velvetg should be in your PATH) R (with Sweave)...ble")) Perl Optional: BLAT or BLAST (to generate alignments against a reference genome). If using BLAT, add faToTwoB...

    2743 days ago


    The automated reconstruction of genome sequences in ancient genome analysis is a multifaceted process. EAGER encompasses both sta...le integrated solution in an easily accessible format.

    2742 days ago

  • BIMA V3: an aligner customized for mate pair library sequencing

    Summary: Mate pair library sequencing is an effective and economical method for de...ities. Unfortunately, the mapping and alignment of mate pair read pairs to a reference genome is a challenging and time con...

    2738 days ago