Results for "NGS Data Analysis"


  • NGS teaching material

    High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies are being applied to a wide range of important topics in biology. However, the analyses of non-model organisms, for which l...

    2644 days ago

  • LoRDEC: a hybrid error correction program for long, PacBio reads

    LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rat..., etc. Why is LoRDEC different? It is efficient and can process large read data set...

    2639 days ago

  • UpSetR Shiny App!

    UpSetR generates static UpSet plots. The UpSet technique visualize...introduces aggregates based on groupings and queries. The matrix layout...ffective representation of associated data, such as the number of elemen...ent attributes. To begin, input your data usi...

    2635 days ago

  • Metagenomics assembly workshop !!

    Welcome to the one-day metagenomics assembly workshop. This tutorial will guide you through the typical steps of metagenome assembly and binning. The Tutorial Data Set...

    2631 days ago

  • ChromHMM: Chromatin state discovery and characterization

    ChromHMM is software for learning and characterizing chromatin states. ChromHMM can integrate multiple chromatin datasets such as ChIP-seq data of various histone modificati...ments for large-scale functional and annotation datasets...

    2630 days ago

  • Enrichr: a comprehensive gene set enrichment analysis

    Enrichment analysis is a popular method for analyzing gene sets generated by genome-wide contains a large collection of diverse gene set libraries available for analysis and download. In total, Enric...

    2622 days ago

  • Mapping NGS

    NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences...ce sequence is called mapping. The most used mappers of DNA-seq data are BWA and Bowtie for DNA-Seq data and...

    2617 days ago

  • Fastq format

    FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotid...ust Sanger Institute to bundle a FASTA sequence and its quality data, bu...

    2616 days ago

  • Tetra-Nucleotide Analysis

    A tetra-nucleotide is a fragment of DNA sequence with 4...phylogenetic signals. Even though tetra-nucleotide analysis (TNA) utilizes the inform...used as a search engine against a large genome database.

    2615 days ago


    SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. It is unique in offering the...of paired-end and/or matepair data, SSPACE is able to assess the...-line tool in Perl. The input data is given by pre-assembled contig sequences (FASTA) and NGS pair...

    2614 days ago