Results for "vi"


  • Multigenome assembly

    This project contains scripts and tutorials on how to assemble individual microbial genomes from metagenomes, as described in: Genome sequences of rare, uncultured bacteria obtaine...

    2666 days ago

  • HTSlib

    ...programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data. It consists of three separate repositories: SamtoolsReading/writing/editing/indexing/viewing SAM/BAM/CRAM formatBCFto...

    2665 days ago

  • Pacbio Long Reads Compatible Software and Tools

    ...dition to PacBio's own SMRT® Analysis suite. All packages are believed to be open source or freely available for non-commercial use. See the individual project sites for up-to-d...

    2665 days ago

  • Krona

    ...te or KronaTools, which includes support for several bioinformatics tools and raw data formats. The interactive charts are self-contained and can be viewed with any modern web brows...

    2658 days ago

  • gbtools: Interactive Visualization of Metagenome Bins in R

    We have developed gbtools, a software package that allows users to visualize metagenomic assemblies by plotting coverage (sequencing depth) and GC values of contigs, and also to ann...

    2654 days ago

  • Fools guide

    ...intended as a tool to help researchers dealing with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data without having to learn extensive bioinfor...

    2647 days ago

  • JSON

    ...An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence. These are universal data structures. Virtually all modern programming...

    2645 days ago

  • NGS teaching material

    ...TS) technologies are being applied to a wide range of important topics in biology. However, the analyses of non-model organisms, for which little previous sequence information is av...

    2644 days ago

  • WGS Celera Assembler version 8.3rc2

    ...n 8.3rc2, which was released on May 24, 2015.This distribution package provides a stable, tested, document...ady for installation.The source code package includes full source code (revision 4627), Makefiles, and scr...

    2639 days ago

  • UpSetR Shiny App!

    UpSetR generates static UpSet plots. The UpSet technique visualizes set intersections in a matrix layout and introduces aggregates based on groupings and queries. The matrix la...

    2635 days ago