Results for "MinION. NGS"


  • ScaffMatch

    caffMatch is a novel scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce high-quality scaffolds from NGS data (reads and contigs). The...

    2729 days ago

  • BIMA V3: an aligner customized for mate pair library sequencing

    Summary: Mate pair library sequencing is an effective and e...s a challenging and time consuming process for most NGS alignment programs. Large ins...20 times faster and 25% more accurate than popular NGS alignment programs when proce...

    2728 days ago

  • GAM-NGS: genomic assemblies merger for next generation sequencing

    GAM-NGS (Genomic Assemblies Merger for Next Generation Sequencing), whose primary goal...or more assemblies in order to enhance contiguity and correctness of both. GAM-NGS does not rely on global align...

    2724 days ago

  • pyScaf

    pyScaf orders contigs from genome assemblies utilising several types of information: paired-end (PE) and/or mate-pair libraries (NGS-based mode) long reads (NGS-based mode) synteny to the g...

    2723 days ago

  • Strand Life Sciences announces the release of Strand NGS v3.1 at ASHG 2017

    Strand Life Sciences announces the release of Strand NGS v3.1 at ASHG 2017 ORLANDO, U...tics flagship product, Strand NGS, at the Annual Meeting of the...ons. For such studies, Strand NGS v3.1 includes confounding var...he accuracy and efficiency of NGS data analysis. Customers can...

    2416 days ago

  • SNPGenie

    SNPGenie is a Perl script for estimating evolutionary parameters, mainly from pooled next-generation sequencing (NGS) single-nucleotide polymorphi...

    2622 days ago

  • NGS teaching material

    High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies are being applied to a wide range of important topics in biology. However, the analyses of non-model organisms, for whic...

    2617 days ago

  • Mapping NGS

    NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes from, which gene it represents...To know that you have to ali...

    2590 days ago


    SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. It is uniqu...given by pre-assembled contig sequences (FASTA) and NGS paired-read data (Illumina/45...

    2587 days ago

  • GAM-NGS: genomic assemblies merger for next generation sequencing

    GAM-NGS is a tool able to merge two or more assemblies in order to improve contiguity and correctness. It can be used on all NGS-based assembly projects and i...

    2573 days ago