Results for "PA"


  • GARM:Genome Assembly, Reconciliation and Merging

    ...line is based mainly implemented using Perl scripts and modules and third-party open source software like the AMOS (Myers et al., 2000) and MUMmer (Kurtz et al., 2004) packages. The pipeline was teste...

    2753 days ago

  • GAM-NGS: genomic assemblies merger for next generation sequencing

    GAM-NGS (Genomic Assemblies Merger for Next Generation Sequencing), whose primary goal is to merge two or more assemblies in order to enhance contiguity and correctne...

    2753 days ago

  • PEAR, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized and can run with of memory. PEAR evaluates all possible paired-end read overlaps and wit...d implementation, it can merge millions of paired end reads within a couple...

    2753 days ago

  • MeGAMerge: A tool to merge assembled contigs, long reads from metagenomic sequencing runs

    ...o produce an improved contig set based on OLC based assembly. All overlap parameters (Minimum Overlap Leng...equirements: You will need to have the following tools installed and in $PATH, or added to $binpath in th...

    2753 days ago

  • quickmerge: A simple and fast metassembler and assembly gap filler designed for long molecule based assemblies.

    ...ogram uses information from assemblies made with illumina short reads and PacBio long reads to improve contiguities of an assembly generated with PacBio long reads alone. This is...

    2753 days ago

  • LAST

    ...Handle big sequence data, e.g: Compare two vertebrate genomes Ali...n. Use sequence quality data properly. Compare DNA to proteins, with frame...lit and spliced alignment. Train alignment parameters for unusual kinds of...

    2752 days ago

  • pyScaf

    ...utilising several types of information: paired-end (PE) and/or mate-pair libraries (NGS-based mode)...lated heterozygous genomes based on C. parapsilosis (13 Mb; CANPA)...nbsp;ARATH table).Runs took ~0.5 min for CANPA on 4 CPUs and ~2 mi...

    2752 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tutorial

    If genomes were completely random sequences in a statistical sense, 'overlap-consensus-layout' method would have been enough to assemble large genomes from Sanger rea...

    2752 days ago

  • MCscan

    MCscan is a computer program that can simultaneously scan multiple genomes to identify homologous chromosomal regions and subsequently align these regions using genes...

    2750 days ago

  • Finding Patterns in Biological Sequences

    ...n this report we provide an overview of known techniques for discovery of patterns of biological sequences...ide biological motivation, and methods of biological verification of such patterns. Finally we list public...

    2750 days ago