Results for "NT"


  • Pacbio Long Reads Compatible Software and Tools

    ...tware for PacBio data? Email us. Software categories: De novo assembly Structural Variations Detection Reference-based alignment Consensus and variant calling RNA analysis Epigen...

    2669 days ago

  • Krona created using an Excel template or KronaTools, which includes support for several bioinformatics tools and raw data formats. The interactive charts are self-contained and can be viewed with a...

    2663 days ago

  • gbtools: Interactive Visualization of Metagenome Bins in R

    ...g coverage (sequencing depth) and GC values of contigs, and also to annotate the plots with taxonomic information. Different sets of annotations, includin...ted from third-party binning tools and overlaid onto plots, such that results fro...

    2658 days ago

  • SNPGenie

    ...ext-generation sequencing (NGS) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variant data. SNP reports (acceptable...ariety of formats) much each correspond to a single population, with variants called relative to a single...

    2654 days ago

  • Fools guide

    This website and accompaning documents are intended as a tool to help researchers dealing with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data wit...

    2651 days ago

  • TMAP - torrent mapping alignment program General Notes

    TMAP - torrent mapping alignment program General Notes TMAP is a fast and accurate alignment software for short and long nucleotid...e TMAP version associated with a Torrent Suite release below. Get...le update

    2651 days ago

  • JSON

    ...ct Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy fo...hat is completely language independent but uses conventions that make JSON an ideal data-interchange language. JSON is bu...s sense that a data format that is interchangeable with programming...

    2650 days ago

  • NGS teaching material

    High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies are being applied to a wide range of important topics in biology. However, the analyses of non-model organisms, for which little previo...

    2649 days ago

  • LoRDEC: a hybrid error correction program for long, PacBio reads

    ...uencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It use...he reference set. Typically, the reference set contains Illumina reads. Usually...with other sequences, for aligning them to the contigs of an assembly, etc. Why...

    2644 days ago

  • WGS Celera Assembler version 8.3rc2 provides a stable, tested, documented version of the software.&nb...v0.1.3 Falcon assembler].Full documentation can be found online at urbe 213K Apr 10 11:41 buildRefContigs-rwxrwxr-x 1 urbe urbe 990K...1 urbe urbe 147K Apr 10 11:40 fragmentDepth-rwxrwxr-x 1 urbe urbe&nb...

    2644 days ago