Results for "set"


  • BRIG

    ...ustomized graphs and annotations can be displayed. Using a user-defined set of genes as input, BRIG can display gene presence, absence, truncation or sequence variation in a set of complete genomes, draft ge...

    2667 days ago

  • bedtools

    ...ies are a swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used tools enable genome arithmetic: that is, set theory on the genome. For exa...

    2659 days ago

  • sequenceserver

    SequenceServer lets you rapidly set up a BLAST+ server with an intuitive user interface for use locally or over the web. More at

    2645 days ago

  • LoRDEC: a hybrid error correction program for long, PacBio reads

    ...acBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read set, whose error rate is assumed...EC different? It is efficient and can process large read data sets, included from eukaryotic or...

    2614 days ago

  • UpSetR Shiny App!

    UpSetR generates static UpSet plots. The UpSet technique visualizes set intersections in a matrix layout and introd...ersections, as well as additional summary statistics derived from subset or element attributes. To be...

    2610 days ago

  • Metagenomics assembly workshop !!

    ...y metagenomics assembly workshop. This tutorial will guide you through the typical steps of metagenome assembly and binning. The Tutorial Data Set FastQC Quality Control Asse...

    2606 days ago

  • Enrichr: a comprehensive gene set enrichment analysis

    ...analysis is a popular method for analyzing gene sets generated by genome-wide exp...tly contains a large collection of diverse gene set libraries available for analy...richr currently contains 180 184 annotated gene sets from 102 gene set libraries....

    2597 days ago

  • Finishing !!

    ...w sequencing technologies has come with its own set of opportunities and pitfalls...tgun assembly to guide the finishing process. A set of programs to exploit optica...can provide clues to fill gaps in scaffolds. A set of scripts to automate some o...

    2574 days ago

  • dbCAN: a web server and DataBase for automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation

    ...yme family along with its location in all the relevant full-length CAZyme proteins in all sequenced genomes; dbCAN provides the most complete set of metagenomic CAZyme&nb...

    2565 days ago

  • Tbl2asn: a command-line program that automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank

    ...ssion. Tbl2asn is available by anonymous FTP. Copy the right version for your platform, then uncompress the file, rename it to "tbl2asn", and set the permissions, as necessary...

    2565 days ago