Results for "Web-Based"


  • Ribbon !!

    Visualization has played an extremely important role in the current genomic revolution to inspect and understand variants, expression patterns, evolutionary changes, and...

    2797 days ago

  • Shinyheatmap

    Background: Transcriptomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and other various next-generation sequencing (-omics) fields are known for their production of large datasets. V...

    2797 days ago

  • GenomeScope: open-source web tool to rapidly estimate the overall characteristics of a genome, including genome size, heterozygosity rate, and repeat content from unprocessed short reads

    Summary: GenomeScope is an open-source web tool to rapidly estimate the overall characteristics of a genome, including genome size, heterozygosity rate, and...

    2390 days ago

  • HybPiper

    HybPiper was designed for targeted sequence capture, in which DNA sequencing libraries are enriched for gene regions of interest, especially for phylogenetics. HybPiper...

    2783 days ago

  • GoJS

    GoJS is a feature-rich JavaScript library for implementing custom interactive diagrams and complex visualizations across modern web browsers and platforms. GoJS makes co...

    2765 days ago


    SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing. Download Git repository of SWALO is at

    2757 days ago

  • Minia

    Minia is a short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph, capable of assembling a human genome on a desktop computer in a day. The output of Minia is a set of contigs....

    2749 days ago

  • SGA: String Graph Assembler

    SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed re...

    2749 days ago

  • ScaffMatch

    caffMatch is a novel scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce high-quality scaffolds from NGS data (reads and contigs). The tool is written in P...

    2744 days ago

  • GARM:Genome Assembly, Reconciliation and Merging

    The pipeline is based mainly implemented using Perl scripts and modules and third-party open source software like the AMOS (Myers et al., 2000) and MUMmer (Kurtz et al.,...

    2738 days ago