Results for "sequence"


  • splitbam: splits a BAM by chromosomes

    splitbam splits a BAM by chromosomes. Using the reference sequence dictionary (*.dict), it also creates some empty BAM files if no sam record was found for a chromosome. A pair o...

    2651 days ago

  • YASRA: Reference based assembler differ substantially from the genome being sequenced. Mapping reads to reference...makes use of LASTZ (Harris et al), a pairwise sequence aligner compatible with BLAST...stz/newer for newer version) for aligning the sequences to the reference genome. Ple...

    2650 days ago

  • DIAL

    ...rmine small insertions/deletions. Our main motivation is to use this tool to survey the genetic diversity of endangered species as the identified sequence differences can be used to de...

    2650 days ago

  • COCACOLA (binning metagenomic contigs using sequence COmposition, read CoverAge, CO-alignment, and paired-end read LinkAge)

    COCACOLA is a general framework that combines different types of information: sequence COmposition, CoverAge across multiple samples, CO-alignment to reference genomes and paired-end r...

    2644 days ago

  • HTSlib SAM/BAM/CRAM formatBCFtoolsReading/writing BCF2/VCF/gVCF files and calling/filtering/summarising SNP and short indel sequence variantsHTSlibA C library for...

    2636 days ago

  • SNPGenie

    ...orts (acceptable in a variety of formats) much each correspond to a single population, with variants called relative to a single reference sequence (one sequence in one FASTA file). Just run...

    2621 days ago

  • JSON

    ...hash table, keyed list, or associative array. An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence. These are universal data...

    2616 days ago

  • NGS teaching material

    ...ologies are being applied to a wide range of important topics in biology. However, the analyses of non-model organisms, for which little previous sequence information is available, pos...

    2615 days ago

  • LoRDEC: a hybrid error correction program for long, PacBio reads

    ...t errors of all these types. After correction, a larger portion of the sequence of PacBio reads is usable for detection of region of similarity with other sequences, for aligning them to the co...

    2610 days ago

  • Metagenomics assembly workshop !!

    ...rediction Assembly Evaluation Read Mapping MetaQUAST Binning MaxBin Binning MetaBAT Binning Classification Kraken Taxonomic Sequence Classification System...

    2602 days ago