Results for "CRISPR%3F"


  • Edit DNA !!!

    A genome-engineering tool known as Crispr may allow scientists to alter the DNA of humans, animals and plants, a research breakthrough that promises to make a significan...

    3741 days ago

  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    Chromosomes are present in every cell of our body and they contain the information the body needs to develop and function properly. This information is carried in genes...

    3606 days ago

  • NgAgo challenge CRISPR !!

    A recent Nature Biotechnology paper from Chunyu Han’s lab, DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute, is a m...

    2937 days ago

  • Find predicted CRISPR sites using Ensembl

    Did you know that you can now use Ensembl to help design your CRISPR experiments? Just turn on the brand new track that shows you the CRISPR sites that have been predict...

    2866 days ago