Results for "gene expression"


  • A powerful, yet simple, gene set analysis tool for interpreting RNA-seq and NGS results.

    LifeMap Sciences is introducing GeneAnalytics, our new gene set analysis tool, which is applicable for NGS results and differentially expressed gene lists from variable sources. GeneAnalytics provides gene associations with tissues & cells, diseases, pathways, GO terms and compounds...

    Tags: Analysis tool, RNA sequencing, NGS, gene expression, functional analysis

    3519 days ago

  • GenXPro GmbH

    GenXPro GMbH is service provider for entire spectrum of nucleotide-based information of any biological sample. By combining intelligent data reduction techniques and latest next generation sequencing technologies, our service portfolio provides most accurate and cost efficient solu...

    Tags: Sequencing, DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, MACE, Epigenetics, microRNA, Chip-Seq, RAD-Seq, Methylation-Seq, transcriptomics, GBS, Gene expression, de-novo assembly, breeding, Exome Seq, Rare variants

    3680 days ago