Results for "biomarkers"


  • Economical Opportunity transfere

    I´m PhD in biomedical sciencie, and CEO of biomedical research (Research Centers in Nutrition and Health, from Spain), focus in genomic, specialy in nutrigenomic and nutrigenetics, epigentic and metagenomic. My research groups (4 in my company, and 1 in the Complutense´s university of Madrid) ha...

    Tags: economical trasnfere, pharma-industry, biomarkers

    3699 days ago

  • 17 Marie Curie PhD position available immediately

    Kindly look into following webpage: The closing date for application will be 26 June 2015.

    Tags: genomics, transcriptomics, immunology, statistics, bioinformatics, Melanoma, biomarkers

    3271 days ago