Results for "Mate"

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  • NGS Glossary !!

    ...probability that your sample contains a homozygous mutation of G to A. mate-pair: in paired-end sequencin...ends which are sequenced form a pair, and are frequently referred to as mate-pairs. QNAME: unique identif...

    2920 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !!

    ...ems in functional genomics. Rnnotator is an automated software pipeline that metagenomic data FGAP 1.8.1 – Automated Gap Closing tool FGAP aim...ed with several special algorithms.MAP uses the mate pair information, resulting i...

    2736 days ago

  • SPAdes hybrid genome assembly<#>-12 <filename> file with interlaced reads for mate-pair library number <#>...--mp<#>-1 <filename> file with forward reads for mate-pair library number <#>...

    2402 days ago