Results for "Proteomics"


  • Uni Computing Bergen Norway

    Info on Uni Computing (Webpage: : Uni Computing (formerly Uni BCCS) is a department of Uni Research, affiliated with the University of Bergen. 5 groups in this lab works on computational resources, methods, algorithms, and software. Following two bioinformatics g...

    Tags: bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computational Ecology, algorithms, functional genomics, proteomics, sequencing

    3936 days ago

  • Pandey Lab

    The Pandey Lab at Johns Hopkins University is a Systems Biology lab that combines molecular biology, analytical chemistry and computational biology with various "Omics" technologies including genomics and proteomics to understand signaling pathways and to identify therapeutic targets and biomarke...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Research, Baltimore, USA, Genomics, Proteomics, Cancer

    3920 days ago