Results for "Virtual Screening"


  • Install Parrot Virtual Machine !

    #Parrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT:~/Downloads/parrot-8.1.0$ wget ftp://ft...

    1564 days ago

  • Installing NextSV on Ubuntu !

    ➜ Tools git:(master) ✗ git clone Cloning into....0.5/src/print/VCFPrinter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void VCFPrinter::print_body(B....5/src/print/BedpePrinter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual v...

    2126 days ago

  • Install GATK 4 using conda !

    #GATK is a toolkit developed by the broad institute focused primarily on essence conda basically creates a virtual environment from which to run...ep then is to tell conda to create a virtual environment for GATK by using...path to the executable. To exit the virtual e...

    839 days ago