Results for "MATLAB"


  • MineshJ

    Skills: C, C++, JAVA, Perl, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, HTML, XML, R, Matlab, Schrodinger, Discovery Studio, MOE, ChemDraw, Marvin, Modeller, Cytoscape, Cell Designer

    2172 days ago

  • Govardhan Anande

    I completed my graduation in Biotechnology from VSBT Baramati, and now Bioinformatics last year PG student from RGIT&BT pune.

    Skills: Microarray, QSAR, Pharmacophore, Docking, Schrödinger, Discovery studio, R, Matlab, Perl, Java, Oracle, PCR, Chromatography, Southern blotting, ELISA

    3583 days ago

  • sandeep

    Skills: Programming with Perl, Matlab, BioPerl, Python, Java.

    2977 days ago

  • EagleEye

    PhD student at University of Gothenburg. Most of my work involves designing or benchmarking pipelines for transcriptome and genomic sequencing data related to epigenetics and cancer.

    Skills: R bioconductor, Perl, CGI/Perl, shell scripting, Java, servlet, C, HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL, image processing, Matlab, Python, javascript, mathematica

    1349 days ago

  • pradyumna Jayaram

    I am working as a research fellow at Manipal University. Most of my work involves designing pipelines for genomic sequencing data.

    Skills: shell scripting, HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL, Java, C, C++, R bioconductor, Perl, bash-CGI, image processing, Matlab, Python, javascript

    77 days ago

  • BOL

    An academic pursuit that will leverage the managerial, analytical and entrepreneurial skills I have gained during my education and internships to contribute towards the growth of the organization and my own in the service of community.

    Skills: Bioinformatics; Algorithm: Perl, Java, Python, MATLAB, R; Web: HTML/CSS, Apache, PHP, CGI, Javascript; Database: MySQL; Microarray data Analysis; Comparative Genomics; NGS; Proteomics; Molecular Phylogenetics; Teaching

    2977 days ago