Results for "ngs"


  • Samtools Primer !!

    SAMtools: Primer / Tutorial by Ethan Cerami, Ph.D.keywords: samtools, next-gen, next-generation, sequencing, bowtie, sam, bam, primer, tutorial, how-to, introductionRevisions    1.0: May 30, 2013: First public release on    1.1: July 24, 2013: Updated wi...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Sequence, Samtools, Primer, Tutorial

    2900 days ago

  • WgSim

    Reads simulator Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. It is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms, and simulate reads with uniform substitution sequencing errors. It does not generate INDEL sequencing errors...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Reads, Silulator, INDEL, SNPs, Simulation

    2900 days ago

  • SAM flags

    Decoding SAM flags This utility makes it easy to identify what are the properties of a read based on its SAM flag value, or conversely, to find what the SAM Flag value would be for a given combination of properties. To decode a given SAM flag value, just enter the number in the field below. The...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, SAM, Flags, NGS

    2894 days ago

  • A5-miseq

    _A5-miseq_ is a pipeline for assembling DNA sequence data generated on the Illumina sequencing platform. This README will take you through the steps necessary for running _A5-miseq_. Point to note: There are many situations where A5-miseq is not the right tool for the job. In order to produce ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, A5-miseq, NGOPT Assembler, Genome

    2845 days ago

  • NGS Glossary !!

    alignment: the mapping of a raw sequence read to a location within a reference genome. The mapping occurs because the sequences within the raw read match or align to sequences within the reference genome. Alignment information is stored in the SAM or BAM file formats. bcftools: a set of companio...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Glossary, NGS

    2896 days ago

  • #NGS basics #Tutorial #Help

    Tags: NGS, Tutorial, Help

    2896 days ago

  • QuIN’s web server

    Recent studies of the human genome have indicated that regulatory elements (e.g. promoters and enhancers) at distal genomic locations can interact with each other via chromatin folding and affect gene expression levels. Genomic technologies for mapping interactions between DNA regions, e.g., ChIA...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Visualization, Chromatin, NGS, HiC

    2896 days ago

  • Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments

    Kraken is an ultrafast and highly accurate program for assigning taxonomic labels to metagenomic DNA sequences. Previous programs designed for this task have been relatively slow and computationally expensive, forcing researchers to use faster abundance estimation programs, which only classify sm...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Kraken, Metagenomic, Sequence, Classification, Alignments, NGS

    2896 days ago

  • Kaiju

    Kaiju is a program for the taxonomic classification of metagenomic high-throughput sequencing reads. Each read is directly assigned to a taxon within the NCBI taxonomy by comparing it to a reference database containing microbial and viral protein sequences. By default, Kaiju uses either the avai...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Kaiju, Metagenomic, Sequence, Classification, Alignments, NGS

    2896 days ago

  • Extract reference nucleotide from BAM file: samtools view your.bam | awk '{print substr( $10, 100, 1)}' #SAM #BAM #Samtools #Tricks #NGS

    Tags: SAM, BAM, Samtools, Tricks, NGS

    2894 days ago