Results for "Genomicus"


  • Gene Synteny Database

    Comparative genomics remains a pivotal strategy to study the evolution of gene organization, and this primacy is reinforced by the growing number of full genome sequences available in public repositories. Despite this growth, bioinformatic tools available to visualize and compare genomes and to i...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Synteny, Database, Genomicus

    2704 days ago

  • Genomicus: genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions

    Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time. Once a query gene has been entered, it is displayed in its genomic context in parallel...

    Tags: Genomicus, genome, browser, enables, navigate, genomes, several, dimensions

    2367 days ago

  • Genomicus: genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions

    Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time. Once a query gene has been entered, it is displayed in its genomic context in parallel...

    Tags: Genomicus, genome, browser, enables, navigate, genomes, several, dimensions, chromosome, evolution, ancestral, genome

    803 days ago