Results for "NeuroInformatics"


  • Biggest Human Brain Project (HBP) launched!!!

    "In neuroscience, the project will use neuroinformatics and brain simulation to collect and integrate experimental data, identifying and filling gaps in our knowledge, and prioritising future experiments. In medicine, the HBP will use medical informatics to identify biological signatures of br...

    Tags: Brain, Neuroscience, HBP, Human, neuroinformatics, simulation, modelling, medical informatics, neurorobotics, microchips, neuromorphic computing, neural network, neurogenetics, optogenetics, brain mapping, sequencing

    4000 days ago

  • Why neuroinformatics?

    Why does neuroscience need neuroinformatics? Watch this 3 min video to find out! The mission of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) is to facilitate the work of neuroscientists around the world, and to catalyze and coordinate the global development of neuroinformatics...

    Tags: NeuroInformatics

    3959 days ago

  • Andaleeb

    Tags: Neuroinformatics, Bioinformatics.

    2437 days ago

  • Organizing information on cellular neurophysiology ! #Neuroinformatics #ML

    Tags: Neuroinformatics, ML

    3667 days ago