Results for "css"


  • Vishwas Uttam

    Skills: Database, Perl, PHP, MySQL, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Shell Scripting

    3586 days ago

  • mahree khan

    Skills: Ms Office, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Data Structure, Java, Linux, Biochemistry, FASTA, BLAST

    2641 days ago

  • EagleEye

    PhD student at University of Gothenburg. Most of my work involves designing or benchmarking pipelines for transcriptome and genomic sequencing data related to epigenetics and cancer.

    Skills: R bioconductor, Perl, CGI/Perl, shell scripting, Java, servlet, C, HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL, image processing, Matlab, Python, javascript, mathematica

    1296 days ago

  • pradyumna Jayaram

    I am working as a research fellow at Manipal University. Most of my work involves designing pipelines for genomic sequencing data.

    Skills: shell scripting, HTML, PHP, CSS, MYSQL, Java, C, C++, R bioconductor, Perl, bash-CGI, image processing, Matlab, Python, javascript

    24 days ago


    Skills: HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, Bioinformatics, SciLab, Shrodinger, PyMol, RasMol, PhyLip, MySQL, DBMS, Website Design and Development, Article Writing (Malayalam and English)

    2468 days ago

  • Dash: a web application framework that provides pure Python abstraction around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    Dash is a web application framework that provides pure Python abstraction around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Dash Bio is a suite of bioinformatics components that make it simpler to analyze and visualize bioinformatics data and interact with them in a Dash application. The source can be found on...

    Tags: Dash, web, application, framework, Python, abstraction, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    1642 days ago

  • Web prgramming for biologist/bioinformatician

    Web prgramming for biologist/bioinformatician

    PHP is quite popular these days (in combination with mySQL (query and design db), CSS (for styling) and HTML) for web programming and online database management for publishing huge pile of results from sequencing data on web-page. PHP is also very easy to grasp when it comes to self-learning.  ...

    Tags: php.html, sql, ajax, apache, iis, XAMPP, css, cgi, oracle, xampp

    3635 days ago