Results for "graphics"


  • R Graphical Cookbook by Winston Chang

    R Graphical Cookbook by Winston Chang A very nice book by Winston Chang for R ethusiast. The R code presented in these pages is the R code actually used to produce the Figures in the book. There will be differences compared to the code chunks shown in the text of the book, but in most cases the ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, NGS, R, Graphics, Books

    2147 days ago

  • Bio-Graphics-2.37

    BioPerl modules Bio::Graphics + Bio::DB:GFF and example scripts. It can draw some of the (but not all) feature types GBrowse can draw. This script should contain everything you can probably make use of (e.g. transcripts, segments, etc.) and you can try to find a good way of vi...

    Tags: Bio-Graphics-2.37, Bio, Graphics, Perl

    2499 days ago

  • gggenomes: A grammar of graphics for comparative genomics

    gggenomes is a versatile graphics package for comparative genomics. It extends the popular R visualization packageggplot2 by adding dedicated plot functions for genes, syntenic regions, etc. and verbs to manipulate the plot to, for example, quickly zoom in into gene neighborhoods.

    Tags: gggenomes, grammar, graphics, comparative, genomics, view

    1182 days ago