Results for "mapping"


  • Bioinformatics approach to Boar Taint

    ...ple population for validation and then used for constructing SNPs haplotypes in close linkage disequilibrium with QTLs and fine mapping of QTLs through association mapping of genotyped SNPs.  &nb...

    3783 days ago

  • Randomness and Probability

    ...ding to measure theory) which measures the randomness. Randomness is the object to be measured by probability. For example, probability is a mapping from randomness to the real n...

    1608 days ago

  • Download blasr 1.3 version

    .../bin/samtools sort -@ 20 -no - temporarySam > FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bamMapping long-reads using blasr.../hom...urbe/Tools/SSpace/SSPACE-LongRead_v1-1/blasr: Permission deniedSorting mapping results...sort -k1,1 -k9,9g F...

    2145 days ago