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  • BioScripts
  • Nishi Singh
  • For a given DNA sequence find its RNA transcript, find its reverse complement and check if the...

For a given DNA sequence find its RNA transcript, find its reverse complement and check if the reverse complement contains a start codon

  • Public
By Nishi Singh 3152 days ago
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $DNA = "GATTACACAT"; #transcribe DNA to RNA - T changes to U my $RNA = $DNA; $RNA =~ s/T/U/g; print "RNA sequence is $RNA\n"; #find the reverse complement of $DNA using substitution operator #first - reverse the sequence my $rcDNA = reverse($DNA); $rcDNA =~ s/T/A/g; $rcDNA =~ s/A/T/g; $rcDNA =~ s/G/C/g; $rcDNA =~ s/C/G/g; print "Reverse complement of $DNA is $rcDNA\n"; #did it work? #find the reverse complement of $DNA using translation operator #first - reverse the sequence $rcDNA = reverse($DNA); #then - complement the sequence $rcDNA =~ tr/ACGT/TGCA/; #then - print the reverse complement print "Reverse complement of $DNA is $rcDNA\n"; #look for a start codon in the reverse sequence if($rcDNA =~ /ATG/){ print "Start codon found\n"; } else{ print "Start codon not found\n"; }