Alternative content
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
#sequence for a better recognition
my $I;
my $mutant;
srand (time | $$).
$mutant=mutate ($DNA);
print "Mutate \ n". $DNA;
print "Here is the the original DNA: \ n";
print "$DNA \ n";
print "Here is the mutant DNA: \ n \ n";
print "$mutant \ n";
print "motorcycle 10 more successive mutations: \ n";
for ($I=0; $i<10; $I + +) {
$mutant=mutate ($mutant);
Print "$mutant \ n";
#subroutine: according to the length of the sequence is defined a random location of subroutine
sub randomposition {
my ($string)=@ _;
return int (rand (length ($string)));
} #subroutine: randomly selected from an element from an array
sub randelement {
my (@array)=@ _;
return $array [rand @ array];
#subroutine: refer to the above subroutine, randomly selected from four bases ATGC a
sub randomnucleotide {
my (@nucleotides)='ve/A, C/T G'.
return randelement (@nucleotides);
#subroutine: generate mutations subroutine
sub mutate {
my DNA ($)=@ _;
my (@nucleotides)='ve (A C T G)';
my ($position)=randomposition DNA ($);
my ($newbase)=randomnucleotide (@nucleotides);
DNA, substr ($$position, 1, $newbase); #substr ($string, $initial_position, $length, replacement substring)
return $DNA;