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Perl script to extract fasta sequence by matching name/ids !!

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::Trim qw(trim); #Usage perl extractSeqbyID.pl ids.txt seq.fasta Result.fasta $ARGV[2] or die "use extractSeqbyID.pl LIST FASTA OUT\n"; my $list = shift @ARGV; my $fasta = shift @ARGV; my $out = shift @ARGV; my %select; open LINE, "$list" or die; while (<LINE>) { chomp; next if /^\s*$/; s/>//g; my @ids=split (/\t/, $_); $select{$ids[0]} = 1; } my $size = keys %select; print "Total Ids $size\n"; close LINE; $/ = "\n>"; open OUT, ">$out" or die; open FILE, "$fasta" or die; while (<FILE>) { trim($_); s/>//g; my ($id) = split (/\n/, $_); #my @i=split (/\s/, $id); # To avoid >flattened_line_10751 circular cases print OUT ">$_" if (defined $select{$id}); } close FILE; close OUT;