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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# GA demonstration with word DNA (512 bits)
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
# individuals in the population
my $popsize = 1024; # a good starting point
my $dna_length = 512; # 4 "letters" in the DNA
my $dna_byte_length = $dna_length / 8; # the DNA byte length
my $mut_rate = 0.01; # the mutation rate
my $min_fitness = 0.1; # the minimum fitness for survival
my $generation_count = 100000; # run for this many generations
my $generation = 0; # generation counter
my $pop_ref = []; # a reference to a population array
sub evaluate_fitness {
my $population = shift @_;
my $fitness_function = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population) {
# set the fitness to the result of invoking the fitness function
# on the individual's DNA
$individual->{fitness} = $fitness_function->($individual->{dna});
sub survive{
my $population = shift @_;
my $min_fitness = shift @_;
my $survived = 0;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# set the fitness to 0 for unfit individuals (so they won't procreate)
$individual->{survived} = $individual->{fitness} >= $min_fitness;
if ($individual->{survived})
$individual->{fitness} = 0
if (0 == $survived)
die "No individuals survived, dying peacefully";
sub select_parents {
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = scalar @$population; # population size
# create the weights array: select only survivors from the population,
# then use map to have only the fitness come through
my @weights = map { $_->{fitness} } grep { $_->{survived} }
# if we have less than 2 survivors, we're in trouble
die "Population size $pop_size is too small" if $pop_size < 2;
# we need to fill $pop_size parenting slots, to preserve the population size
foreach my $slot (1..$pop_size)
my $index = sample(\@weights);
# we pass a reference to the weights array here
# do sanity checking on $index
die "Undefined index returned by sample(), probably
all individuals have died"
unless defined $index;
die "Invalid index $index returned by sample()"
unless $index >= 0 && $index < $pop_size;
# increase the parenting slots for this population member
sub recombine {
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = scalar @$population; # population size
my @parent_population;
my @new_population;
my $total_parent_slots = 1;
while ($total_parent_slots)
# find out how many parent slots are left
$total_parent_slots = 0;
$total_parent_slots += $_->{parent} foreach @$population;
last unless $total_parent_slots;
# if we are here, we're sure we have at least one individual with
# parent > 0
my $individual = undef; # start with an undefined individual
# select a random individual
$individual = $population->[int(rand($pop_size))];
# individual is acceptable only if he can be a parent
undef($individual) unless $individual->{parent};
} while (not defined $individual);
push @parent_population, $individual;
# insert the individual in the parent population
# decrease the parenting slots of the individual by 1
foreach my $parent (@parent_population)
# select a random individual from the parent population (parent #2)
my $parent2 = @parent_population[int(rand($pop_size))];
my $child = { survived => 1, parent => 0,
fitness => 0, dna => 0 };
# this is breeding!
my $dna1 = $parent->{dna};
my $dna2 = $parent2->{dna};
# note we do operations on BYTES, not BITS. This is because bytes
# are the unit of information (and preserving them is the faster
# breeding method)
foreach my $byte (1 .. $dna_byte_length)
# get one random byte from the parents and add it to the child
vec($child->{dna}, $byte-1, 8) = vec(((rand() < 0.5) ? $dna1 :
$dna2), $byte-1, 8);
push @new_population, $child;
# the child is now a part of the new generation
return \@new_population;
sub mutate {
my $population = shift @_;
my $mut_rate = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# only mutate individuals if rand() returns more than mut_rate
next if rand > $mut_rate;
# mutate the DNA by and-ing and then or-ing it with two random
# integers between 0 and 2^$dna_length
my $old_dna = $individual->{dna};
my $new_dna = 0;
foreach my $byte (1 .. $dna_byte_length)
vec($new_dna, $byte-1, 8) &= int(rand(256));
vec($new_dna, $byte-1, 8) |= int(rand(256));
$individual->{dna} = $new_dna;
# print "Mutated $old_dna to ", $individual->{dna}, "\n";
# this is a closure block!
# private static variable @dictionary in closure for fitness() only
my @dictionary;
my %freqs;
# calculate the fitness of the DNA
sub fitness {
my $dna = shift @_;
my $words = dna_to_words($dna);
my $fitness = 0; # start with 0 fitness
my $max_entry_length = 20; # longest word we accept
# you can use any word list at the end of the program
# do the @dictionary initialization just once
unless (@dictionary)
@dictionary = '';
foreach (@dictionary)
# eliminate words over $max_entry_length letters, and uppercase them
@dictionary = grep { length($_) > 1 && length($_)
< $max_entry_length }
map { uc } @dictionary;
# build the letter frequencies hash (remember, all letters are uppercase)
$freqs{$_}++ foreach split '', join '', @dictionary;
# there is no easy way to avoid this exhaustive check of the dictionary
# without complicating this example too much
foreach my $entry (@dictionary, 'A'..'Z')
# do nothing if the entry is not matched in the DNA, or vice versa
next unless $words =~ /$entry/;
# we have a match! (it may be a substring, that's OK)
# increment the fitness depending on how long the match was;
$fitness += 2**length($entry);
$fitness+= $freqs{$entry} if exists $freqs{$entry};
return $fitness;
} # end of fitness()
# Function to sample from an array of weighted elements
# originally written by Abigail <>
# Documentation for the algorithm is at
# (the CPAN Sample module)
sub sample {
# get the reference to the weights array
my $weights = shift @_ or return undef;
# internal counting variables
my ($count, $sample, @count);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$weights; $i ++)
$count += $weights->[$i];
$sample = $i if rand $count [$i];
# return an index into the weights array
return $sample;
# ASCII-centric byte to letter conversion
sub byte_to_letter {
my $dna = shift @_;
my $byte = shift @_;
# print "Got byte $byte\n";
my $letter = vec $dna, $byte, 8;
# is the byte in the letter ranges? if so, return it.
return chr($letter) if ($letter >= 65 && $letter <= 90);
# if not, return a space. the use of ord() every time could be cached.
return ' ';
# print the DNA out to a scalar
sub dna_to_words {
my $dna = shift @_;
my @words;
foreach my $byte (1.. $dna_byte_length)
# print the letter equivalent of the current byte
push @words, byte_to_letter($dna, $byte-1);
# return the printable words
return join '', @words;
init_population($pop_ref, $popsize);
evaluate_fitness($pop_ref, \&fitness);
# print out a generation summary line
my @sorted_population = sort { $a->{fitness} cmp $b->{fitness} } @$pop_ref;
printf "generation %d: size %dnleast fit DNA [%s]/%d\n
most fit DNA [%s]/%d\n",
scalar @sorted_population,
survive($pop_ref, $min_fitness); # select survivors from the population
$pop_ref = recombine($pop_ref);
# recombine() returns a whole new population array reference
# from this point on, we are working with a new generation in $pop_ref
mutate($pop_ref, $mut_rate); # apply mutation to the individuals
} while ($generation++ < $generation_count);
# run until we are out of generations
sub init_population {
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = shift @_;
# for each individual
foreach my $id (1 .. $pop_size) {
# insert an anonymous hash reference in the population array
# with the individual's data
# the DNA is a random number
my $random_dna = 0;
foreach my $byte (1 .. $dna_byte_length)
vec($random_dna, $byte-1, 8) = int(rand(256));
# printf "Byte $byte; Random DNA is now [%64s]\n", dna_to_words($random_dna);
push @$population, { dna => $random_dna, survived => 1,
parent => 0, fitness => 0 };