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#!/bin/bash # while-menu-dialog: a menu driven system information program DIALOG_CANCEL=1 DIALOG_ESC=255 HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0 display_result() { dialog --title "$1" \ --no-collapse \ --msgbox "$result" 0 0 } while true; do exec 3>&1 selection=$(dialog \ --backtitle "System Information" \ --title "Menu" \ --clear \ --cancel-label "Exit" \ --menu "Please select:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH 4 \ "1" "Display System Information" \ "2" "Display Disk Space" \ "3" "Display Home Space Utilization" \ 2>&1 1>&3) exit_status=$? exec 3>&- case $exit_status in $DIALOG_CANCEL) clear echo "Program terminated." exit ;; $DIALOG_ESC) clear echo "Program aborted." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac case $selection in 1 ) result=$(echo "Hostname: $HOSTNAME"; uptime) display_result "System Information" ;; 2 ) result=$(df -h) display_result "Disk Space" ;; 3 ) if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then result=$(du -sh /home/* 2> /dev/null) display_result "Home Space Utilization (All Users)" else result=$(du -sh $HOME 2> /dev/null) display_result "Home Space Utilization ($USER)" fi ;; esac done