Pattern Matching Problem Solution with Perl

Problem at

#Find all occurrences of a pattern in a string.
#Given: Strings Pattern and Genome.
#Return: All starting positions in Genome where Pattern appears as a substring. Use 0-based indexing.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $subStr="ATAT";
my $kmer=length($subStr);

kmerMatch ($string, $subStr, $kmer);

sub kmerMatch { #Check the exact matching kmers with sliding window
my ($string, $myStr, $kmer)=@_;
for (my $aa=0; $aa<=(length($string)-$kmer); $aa++) {
    my $myWin=substr  $string, $aa,$kmer;
    if ($myWin eq $myStr) {
        #print "$myWin eq $myStr\n";
        print $aa;