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You are requested to please bookmark collection of bioinformatics tools, scripts, codes that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex bioinformatics tasks.
The next-generation sequencing included whole genome sequencing(WGS), transcriptome sequencing (whole cDNA sequencing, RNA-seq), digital gene expression sequencing (Tag-Seq), ChIP-Seq, and so on. And there are many sequencing platform to generate sequece, as well know Sanger/ABi(the frist generation), Solexa/illumina, SOLiD/ABi, 454/Roche. But thier sequence format is different, also they have different error type. High quality data is very important for further analysis or data mining. There are many pipeline for raw sequence quality analysis and control with few of process for reporting reads quality statistical details, trimming, filtering, and error correction. Please bookmarks them for the benefits of bioinformatics community.
NGSand Perl scripts
NGS and Python scripts