Results for "ONT"


  • Extract fasta sequence with Ids with Bash script

    #!/bin/bash while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do echo "Text read from file: $line" samtools faidx ONT.fasta $line > $line.faa done < "$1"

    2345 days ago

  • Long reads mapper bash script ! minimap2 ref.fa reads.fa/fq 48 ont echo -e "This is a bash minimap2 ref.fa reads.fa/fq 48 ont" exit 1 fi fileName=...dex $refFasta if [ $readsType == "ont" ]; then $lamsaLoc aln...o "NGMLR:Please specify reads type: ont, pacbio" fi elif [ $toolNa...

    2113 days ago

  • Map the long reads

    Map them agaist reference avaga genome using following codes git clone cd bwa; make bwa index ref.fa bwa mem -x pacbio ref.fa pacbio.fq > aln.sam bwa mem -x ont2d ref.fa ont-2D.fq > aln.sam

    1716 days ago