Results for "hits"


  • How to print only the first best hit from blastn tool?

    I used the following command to print the blast hit. [Terminal] blastn -query aaa.fa -db blastdb/nt -evalue 10e-5 -num_threads 4 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt '6 qseqid staxid qstart qend sallseqi sstart send evalue length frames qcovs' -out testBlastSee But the outfile print many hits, I only...

    Tags: blastn, blastall, megablast, top, hits

    2612 days ago

  • Find matching file names with pattern in a directory. $ ls -dq *_name2search_* | wc -l #file #search #hits #pattern #names #directory

    Tags: file, search, hits, pattern, names, directory

    2229 days ago

  • Quickly #Finding #Orthologs as Reciprocal Best #Hits with #BLAT, #LAST, and #UBLAST: How Much Do We Miss?

    Tags: Finding, Orthologs, Hits, BLAT, LAST, UBLAST

    2537 days ago

  • Get the secondary hists reads count from SAM awk '{ print $2 }' out.sam| grep "2048" | wc -l #SAM #BAM #Secondary #Hits

    Tags: SAM, BAM, Secondary, Hits

    1828 days ago

  • CRBHits: From Conditional Reciprocal Best Hits to Codon Alignments and Ka/Ks in R

    CRBHits is a coding sequence (CDS) analysis pipeline in R (R Core Team, 2019). It reimplements the Conditional Reciprocal Best Hit (CRBH) algorithm crb-blast and covers all necessary steps from sequence similarity searches, codon alignments to Ka/Ks calculations and synteny. The new R package tar...

    Tags: CRBHits, Conditional, Reciprocal, Best, Hits, Codon, Alignments, Ka/Ks, R

    1262 days ago