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Question: Question: Annotating a sequence not yet published

3887 days ago

Question: Annotating a sequence not yet published

I have 198,991 bp long sequence. I ran it through Maker, Glimmer and GeneMarkS. All three gave me different number of predicted genes.Here I am talking about genes that I got through GeneMarkS.

Now when I am using BlastX to find the similar genes, I sometimes get highly dissimilar results. What does that indicate?

For eg:- for the given gene


After running blastX for gene 13, I get results with evalue 4.3 and above and sequences that are only 43% similar.

  33.1 33.1 81% 4.3 43% WP_017418739.1


with this gene, i got the following result

  76.6 76.6 97% 5e-16 80% CDM61676.1

Now if I combine genes 13 and 14. I got

  78.2 78.2 92% 4e-16 57% CDM61676.1

what does that suggest? 

Also, how to find the correct number of predicted genes when all three tools give different results?



Hi Ruchira,

It looks confusing to me as well, and question remain WHY? I guess it might be due to parameter differences. I will suggest you to please read this manuscript entitled "A beginner’s guide to eukaryotic genome annotation" http://fasta.bioch.virginia.edu/cshl/pdf/12/ajm12/euk_genome_annotation_review.pdf . I hope it will be helpful for your research point of view.

Exercise at http://bix.ucsd.edu/bioalgorithms/problems/03_asmt.htm



Hi Ruchira,

          I Think There is Different software using Different Algorithm that's why something result look like different.But u can use GENESCAN. GENESCAN gives accurate result and also used world wide gene prediction tool.

GENESCAN : http://genes.mit.edu/GENSCAN.html

Thank you.