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Question: Question: Can you please recommend me some tutorial for NGS data analysis?

Alok Prajapati
3838 days ago

Question: Can you please recommend me some tutorial for NGS data analysis?

Hi Bioinformatician,

I am newbie bioinformatician interested in knowing something more about next generation sequencing (NGS) and learn to interpret the data obtained from these technologies. In particular I want to know what kind of analyses is possible to perform on these data and what kind of tools can be used to achieve results. Other needs:

Where can I find information or a tutorial?

Does anyone know where I could start?

Any good book, website, tutorial are welcome?

Thanks for your time.



Hi Alok,

In general NGS is a wide term to use, I will recommend you to start reading some papers related to a specific argument ( google return about 455,000 results for 'NGS tutorial').

Does anyone know where I could start?

I think quality control(QC) is the basic to start with. The QC, trimming and masking of the bad nucleotides of the reads that you want to align and later analyse is very important ( ftp://ftp-mouse.sanger.ac.uk/other/tk2/ECCB/ECCB-tutorial-thomas1.pdf ). I will also recommend to check/read the limitation of various NGS technologies.

Following links afford some questions:




Hi Alok,

You can find several useful bookmarked online NGS tutorial links at http://bioinformaticsonline.com/bookmarks/view/3868/next-generation-sequencing-ngs-tutorials



Hi Alok,

NGS Family Analysis Tutorial by Golden Helix is much useful and user friendly. http://doc.goldenhelix.com/SVS/tutorials/ngs_family_analysis/ngs_family_analysis.pdf

GATB: Genome Assembly & Analysis Tool Box is yet another useful resource. http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/07/12/bioinformatics.btu406.full

The RNAseq toolbox for other useful resources http://wiki.bits.vib.be/index.php/RNAseq_toolbox
