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(347 days ago)
About me
BioinformaticsOnline(BOL) founder.
Within the broad domain of bioinformatics and computational biology, I mainly focus on chromosomal breakpoint and amniotes evolution. I (We) develop certain computational pipeline, and algorithms to harness the huge amount of biological data (genomes, epigenomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, etc.) to answer specific biological questions pertaining to these domains.
It is obvious in computational biology/ bioinformatics area to get distracted by the flood of NGS and epigenomic data, but currently we (our group and my supervisor) are trying to make sense of these genomic floods. Please refer to our publications to get a better sense of what we do. Collaboration and ideas are welcome.
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PhD thesis @ British Library
PhD thesis @ Uni Library
Question: How to downgrade the Perl
Abhi 158 days ago, Questions (2)
Question: Alienomics error, how to fix it !
Question: What is the p-value?
BioStar 299 days ago, Questions (1)
Question: Unable to restart Apache !
LEGE 550 days ago, Questions (2)