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Question: Question: Which software/tool is best to build metabolic networks manually?

3435 days ago

Question: Which software/tool is best to build metabolic networks manually?

Hi Andaleeb,

Your question seems confusing to me. Once you are doing it manually why you need software/tool for the same. Can you please elaborate it for me.



Thanks Rahul, I got it, its MetNetMaker.

I meant assembling the components of the network. 


Hi Andaleeb,

Apart from MetNetMaker http://www.tomforth.co.uk/metnetmaker/, I think Escher will be useful for this as well. It is a web-based tool for building, viewing, and sharing visualizations of biological pathways. These 'pathway maps' are a great way to contextualize data about metabolism. https://escher.github.io/

You can also try PathwayTool. It is a comprehensive symbolic systems biology software system that is associated with the BioCyc database collection. http://bioinformatics.ai.sri.com/ptools/



CellDesigner is good software..try it!