There are long list of software, but following listed tools will be useful for bacterial based analysis work.
Short read alignment
•bwa – external link:
•samtools – external link:
•SHRiMP2 – external link:
•nesoni – external link:
•ssaha2 – external link:
•SMALT – external link:
•dindel – external link:
•alignment viewers – external link:
•See Assemblathon 1 post for a systematicly assessed, competitive bake-off of assembly methods
•Velvet – external link:
•SOAPdenovo – external link:
•ABySS –
•Vmatch – external link:
Annotation & browsing
•Artemis, ACT, BamView, DNA Plotter – external link:
Genome alignment
Phylogenetics & population genetics
•BEAST – Bayesian inference, divergence date estimation
•RAxML – fast maximum likelihood inference, great for large datasets
•phylip – Parsimony, likelihood, minimum evolution, etc etc… the grandaddy of phylo software, best for small data sets
•PAML – maximum likelihood phylogenetic & evolutionary inference
•PhyML – maximum likelihood, run online here
•SplitsTree4 – brilliant Java-based app from Daniel Huson, builds phylogenetic networks and trees of nearly every kind
•Dendroscope – Java-based tree viewer app from Daniel Huson, lots of alternative views available and can build consensus tree or network from sets of trees
•FigTree – tree viewer app, radial or dendrogram, can load annotations, great for viewing BEAST trees
•iTOL (interactive tree of life) – online tool, load up your tree file and associated data for an amazing array of visualisation options. great for overlaying data (eg gene content, protein domain structures, etc) on a tree
•Hal – phylogenetic analysis of whole genomes
•PhyloGeoViz – visualize haplotype frequencies (as pie charts) over an interactive map (google maps/google earth)
16S & Metagenomics
•QIIME – external link:
•NIH Human Microbiome Project (data, protocols, software) – external link:
Hi Mahesh,
There are lots of bioinformatics software, tools and online server for bioinformatics based analysis , and most of them are useful/applied in plant, animal and microbs based analysis.
However, specifically for Xanthomonas axonopodis datasets, software, tools and other resources, you can visit the following links:
Hope answered your question, and links provided are useful.
Thank you Sir. I use for referencing but... thanks for the links provided..
— Mahesh Lawate 4148 days ago