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Question: Question: How to resolve this "built-in MySQL server cannot run" error in SyMAP ?

Poonam Mahapatra
2885 days ago

Question: How to resolve this "built-in MySQL server cannot run" error in SyMAP ?

I tried SyMAP but got the following error 

$ ./symap []

Starting SyMAP v4.2 - Project Manager
SyMAP Version v4.2
Java Version 1.8.0_91, mem: 1820M
Build 116
Reading from file symap.config
The built-in MySQL server cannot run because a MySQL server is already running on this computer.
Please stop that server, or else specify a MySQL host name in the symap.config file.


Try to Stop the MySQL Server. sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop.

And then run ./symap