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Question: Question: Need help on GWAS [Genome-wide associated studies] data analysis

4081 days ago

Question: Need help on GWAS [Genome-wide associated studies] data analysis

I read about gwas. but I havent done analysis on GWAS please any body who know about it reply me.  

i know PLINK but if someone is working on GWAS please reply  

lalit 4081 days ago


U can try out this link:

www.genome.gov › Education › Fact Sheets



It is not clear from your question which sort of help do you want in PLINK.  I guess you are looking for tutorial on it ... Please check this http://www.vipbg.vcu.edu/~sarahme/eg/c16/practicals_C16.pdf for more detail.

i am new to this technique so i just found PLINK during google search that why i mentioned in question. my question is not specific to PLINK. i need help from start. specifically related to human genome assembly upto GWAS analysis.

lalit 4079 days ago