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Question: Question: miRNA seed site determination in target mRNA?

3980 days ago

Question: miRNA seed site determination in target mRNA?

Dear friends,

While reading an article ("miR-143 is downregulated in cervical cancer and promotes apoptosis and inhibits tumor formation by targeting Bcl-2") I encounterd that they give seed site of miRNA but I do not understand how they achieve. Is there any method or tool to get any estimation about seed site of miRNA on its target mRNA? I hope, you will understand my question if not please point out then I will explain more my question.

Thank in Advance.


Best Answer

Hi Suleyman,

Daniel paper titled "Experimental strategies for microRNA target identification" explain the experimental method. Please find the full free paper at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3167600/

Wish you all the best for your research.


Dear Jitendra,

I am really thankful, I will read the article I hope I can understand. I am 3th grade molecular biology and genetics student and I took bioinformatics class and I learnt it however to make this work experimentally, quite hard for me because I do not have lab to this but I will keep in mind. If you find any computation estimation about this work. I will be very happy to read them all, too. Again Mr. Narayan Thank you very much for your answear.

Take care yourself.


suleyman 3979 days ago