Hi Akhilesh7,
Try BioMart http://asia.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/a936cc3777cdb34024db97a7a9e33e51
Hi Akhilesh,
For large amount of data extraction and computational detailed analysis, it is always recommend to use one of publicly-accessible MySQL servers
1. ensembldb.ensembl.org or
2. useastdb.ensembl.org which you can access as user 'anonymous'.
Similarly, a third server, martdb.ensembl.org provides public access to the BioMart databases.
For computational biologist the easiest option is to use the Ensembl Perl API. It uses an object-oriented approach to model real biological objects such as genes, transcripts and 'slices' of DNA sequence, making it straightforward for you to write scripts that retrieve and analyze data.
# find gene stable ids corresponding to the MGI symbol 'Tyr' my $gene_adaptor = $dbCore->get_GeneAdaptor(); my @genes = @{ $gene_adaptor->fetch_all_by_external_name('Tyr') };
Several supporting/matching code with an examples and suggestions can be found in the various API tutorials and the ensembl-dev mailing list archives.
Hi Akhilesh,
You can access the complete databases using ftp.